Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Nairs page in Wikipedia altered

The Nairs page in Wikipedia has been altered with many questionable information finding a place in it. The information as available on June 29, 2011 is found to be significantly different from what was there till May 15, 2011.

The information on Nairs now on Wikipedia is totally one sided and is based on views of some western writers mainly. This along with new links to the page at the bottom are definitely not positive views on Nair community. It gives rise to the doubt that some powers have altered the page to defame nairs. Many groups opposed to Nairs are angry at the popularity of the page and envious of the eminence of Nair community. Nairs need to protest against this.

Links like those linking nairs to Bunts have been removed from the Nairs page. Some of the information like Nairs fought along with Portuguese are factually wrong. Nairs as a community fought against Portuguese aggression on Western Coast of India

Monday, June 27, 2011

Nair Service Society gets new general secretary

Finally NSS assistant secretary G. Sukumaran Nair has become general secretary. He had been in charge for the last few months reportedly following health problems experienced by the then NSS general secretary P.K. Narayana Panicker who has been made the president of NSS recently.

Well it is good that Mr. Nair who had considerable clout inside the organisation has become the general secretary. But it is also worthwhile to remember that his opponents inside NSS and outside had often criticised him for his acts. Many times defamatory statements had been spread against Mr. Nair. Mr. Nair had often taken stands which are far different from Mr. Panicker.

Mr. Panicker had always been soft on issues affecting Nairs in general. But Mr. Nair has been outspoken. His verbal duals with SNDP Yogam President Vellappally Natesan and MES leader Abdul Gafoor and his opinions on NSS opposing former chief minister V.S. Achuthananadan have created enough enemies for him.
While Mr. Panicker had always resorted to legal fights (probably becasue he was an advocate) instead of popular struggles Mr. Nair had at times resorted to mass agitations as the President of Changanassery NSS taluk union.

If separate individual leaders' abilities or drawbacks and analyse progress of NSS in the last quarter of a century none would disagree that the period has seen NSS losing its clout and development activities at a standstill.

The period saw Government of India implementing reservations in union government services following recommendations of Mandal commission. Though NSS may say it has succeeded in bringing in economic criteria in reservations like Creamy Layer it should be remembered that creamy layer concept would help only poor among backward and not poor among forward. So how do it validate NSS' plea for brining in economic criteria in job reservations. Recently thanks to strong leadership of Vellappally Natesan OBCs were given reservation in Travancore Devaswom Board. It was NSS' miscalculated support to the Brahmin high priest which eventually resulted in that.

Similarly Minority comminities have received umpteen benefits during the last quarter of a century. In Kerala they are now far ahead of other in money power, educaiton status and social status. NSS has not started many education institutions during the last decade. But minorities started many. Though it had ample resources to start a medical college it backed out.

Well will the new general secretary do something to help Nairs. Let us see (will be continued)

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