Saturday, March 16, 2013

Creamy layer issue not a concern for Nairs; We want reservation benefits to those who are not getting it now: NSS Gen Secretary

Nair Service Society general secretary G. Sukumaran Nair has said that the issue of fixing creamy layer for other backward communities in India for job reservation is an internal issue of OBCs and NSS does not want to comment on it. Nair added that what NSS is not against giving reservation to backward caste Hindus but also want job reservation to those forward castes who are not getting it.

Sukumaran Nair was responding to questions of Media at NSS headquarters, Kottayam on Saturday, March 16 in the wake of a decision of a sub committee of union cabinet fixing an income level of Rs six lakh per annum as the income limit for OBCs to get job reservation. This means those of OBCs who have an income level exceeding Rs 6 lakh per annum won't be able to get the benefits of reservation.

NSS-SNDP sort out differences on job reservation

Sukumaran Nair's stand on reservation marks a new attitude of the NSS. This comes in the wake of Hindu unity moves in Kerala. The issue of job reservation for Hindu OBCs was the stumbling block against unity of forward caste Nair community and backward caste Ezhava community in Kerala. Nairs and Ezhavas together constitute around 80 per cent of Hindu population in Kerala. Hindus constitute around 55 per cent of total population in Kerala

Earlier NSS had opposed raising income limit of OBCs for getting reservation. NSS had filed a case in the Supreme Court against raising the income limit. But following NSS-SNDP unity move NSS withdrew the case. In return SNDP had declared that it was not against giving certain percentage of reservation for the poor among forward communities.

Sukumaran Nair's stand seems to be logical otherwise also as Creamy layer is a yardstick for ensuring that all members of OBCs get the benefit of reservation and not the rich OBCs only. The court implemented creamy layer as it found that reservation benefits are normally cornered by the rich in OBCs who have the money and power to give good education to their children. The poor who cannot afford it normally fail to qualify.

But according to Creamy layer concept, if no eligible candidate is found the seat should remain vacant till an eligible candidate from OBC is found. That means the post won't go to general candidate even if no eligible candidate is found. 

In this context why Nairs bother about it. It is not the responsibility of Nairs to ensure that income limit fixed for getting reservation is not very high. What is our concern whether a rich or a poor OBC gets reservation benefits. It is not the duty of NSS to ensure equality among OBCs. Let them settle it among themselves. 

What Nairs need is reservation for poor Nairs. Such benefits should be accorded to poor among those communities which are not getting reservation benefits now. This is NSS stand, says Nair.

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