Saturday, December 5, 2015

Politics of BEEF in Kerala

Buoyed by politics, Beef has become something more than food in Kerala at present. For the ‘Left-Liberals,’ beef is a symbol of their freedom to select and eat the food of their choice. In short, beef has transformed from food to a political tool in Kerala. That is why the left organizes Beef Festivals in Kerala, a state where there is no ban on beef.

Even the organisers of Beef Festivals won’t disagree with the fact that these festivals are not food festivals. They are political statements challenging certain values and lifestyles of Hindus though they are no more religiously followed by Hindus. By organizing beef festivals, the left liberals are trampling upon the sensibilities of a helpless group hoping that their ruthless antics will entrench them in the hearts of Muslims and Christians in Kerala for whom beef is an important part of their food.

How did beef become a symbol of progressive ideology in Kerala? Was beef part of traditional diet of the common man in Kerala whom the communists claim to represent? Or does it symbolize an alien culture which has subjugated Kerala. Is the left in Kerala taking up such imaginary issues because they lack symbols around which they can rally people? As a last possibility we also need to think if the Left Groups have been infiltrated by extremist groups who force them to take positions that crush Hindu sentiments? We need to think, but at the same time we need to accept the fact that in the present Kerala beef as a food has more acceptability than in many other parts of India.

Different aspects of popularity of beef in Kerala
It won’t be an exaggeration to say that about 90 per cent of Keralites taste beef at least once in a while. It means the social taboo against beef does not exist among Hindus in Kerala. At the same time, it is wrong to think that all those who eat beef cook it at home. A good number of Hindus who eat beef eat it only from restaurants and don’t cook it at home.  Beef eating is something like social drinking for at least a few Keralites.
There is also regional, caste and class difference among the Hindus who cook beef at home.

History of beef eating in Kerala
Till 1970s majority of Nairs in Kerala never ate beef. Beef was not a regular food even among OBC Ezhava community or scheduled caste communities. The only community in Kerala who ate beef in Kerala historically is Sambava community who are considered to be the lowest of all castes in Kerala.

Before 1950s this community has been reported to take away dead cows. Rich families who owned cows will give away dead cows to those people.  Members of Sambava community reportedly ate the meat and used the hide to make drums used in temples. It was perhaps because of their Beef eating habits Sambavas were considered to be untouchables even by other scheduled caste communities. Later reformation movements in Hindu society saw an end to practices like eating dead cow.
Now to come to the point, analyzing food habits of Kerala Hindus point to the fact that beef was considered to be a lower status food in Kerala by the upper castes and economically well off OBCs in Kerala once. Of course, respect to cows was there among Kerala Hindus too and very rarely one will find a Slaughter House for Killing Cows, Bulls or Buffaloes run by a Hindu of any caste in Kerala even now.

Rise in popularity of Beef
Beef began gaining popularity and respectability in Kerala by 1970s. There is a social angle to this. The land reforms implemented by the Communists in Kerala had broken the backbone of upper caste Nairs and Namboothiries and the rich among Ezhavas. The rich among minorities were not affected by it and their economic status was untouched. It was almost at the same time that the Gulf boom started in Kerala and this saw Muslims and Christians, especially Muslims becoming richer.  Soon their social respectability increased. This meant their food habits and culture became acceptable at least to a section of Hindus.  Those who worked in minority institutions and those who frequently interacted with them started tasting beef and along with it a new delicacy 

The ubiquitous tea shops in Kerala which once sold only dishes like Idly, Puttu, Idiyappam (Noolputtu), Dosa, Vada etc started selling Porottas also made of fine wheat powder imported from north Indian states. “Tough” Porottas demanded some different curries to go with it and Beef Curry emerged as the right choice. Along with tea shops Country Liquor shops also began selling Porotta and a variety of Beef dishes and Beef soon emerged as the food of the new rich Gulf returnees and local ‘Rough and Tough machos’.

Some market reasons also contributed to the popularity of Beef. Till the second half of 1990s cost of chicken was high in Kerala and Beef was low. Beef provided a cheap alternative to those who wanted to eat meat. Strict implementation of ban on killing wild animals and birds like herons also popularized beef among meat eaters. Thus with the taboo of beef eating gone with the social superiority gained by minorities market realities like price also contributed to its popularity. But even then, it did not become a respectable food for Hindus.

However by 90s end price of chicken fell but people did not reject the costly beef. From now onward it is social rather than market reasons which helped beef to retain popularity.  By 90s, the social equilibrium of Kerala completely changed and flow of petro dollars began to peak. Even Hindus in Kerala flocked to Gulf in large numbers as Communist Kerala produced few jobs for the youth. Life in GCC made Hindu youth from Kerala familiar with Beef as Kerala eateries there which are mostly run by non-Hindus offer variety of beef dishes. While the main dish in Pakistani and Arab eateries in GCC are mutton and chicken, in Kerala eateries it is beef.  Non resident Keralites soon accepted beef and retained their likings even back home.

Thus over a period the cultural and food habits of Keralites changed. New social and economic realities saw Hindus readjusting their preferences. The food culture of minorities got marked and habits of minorities who turned out to be successful in life became worth imitating. Therefore eating beef became something progressive which successful people do. Not many wanted to be marked as an obscurantist who shies away from Beef.  The food culture of minorities prevailed over food culture of the majority.To sum up, the respectability to beef dishes in Kerala is the result of a changed social hierarchy in Kerala where minorities have become more powerful socially and economically than the majority.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Rise and Fall of Secularism in Kerala

Pseudo-secularism has lost its supremacy in Kerala in the information war and common man in Kerala has started realizing the real aim of vested interest groups who had brainwashed them with their selective interpretation of secularism to achieve social and political supremacy

One of the leading novelists in Kerala P Vatsala, recently startled the intelligentsia of the state when she said at a public meeting that she is proud to be a Hindu and showered praises on Prime Minister Narendra Modi lavishly.  Further, she took on the leader of left writers forum (called PUKASA in Malayalam) and exposed their hypocrisy.

This was just unimaginable in Kerala till a few years ago when it was fashionable for writers, film personalities and others belonging to the intelligentsia to be critical of Hinduism in public to prove their “Secular” credentials. This was a culture forced by the Left in Kerala, especially by CPI (M) offering benefits to those who yielded and using threat and violence to subjugate others refused to yield.

For the 'progressive' in Kerala, Hindu culture is associated with superstition and Hindu Saints are mocked as Demi Gods (Aal Daivam in Malayalam). Hindu religion is portrayed by the Left as full of discriminations based on castes. However, Communist and pseudo-progressive groups are particular not to offend the religious sensibilities of Muslims and to a certain extent Christians and never attack the contradictions in their belief.  

In government schools, where majority of children in Kerala once studied, they were brainwashed to feel that Hindu scriptures approved discrimination and the Hindu Past of Kerala was associated with feudal oppression. The curriculum always tried to misinterpret and misrepresent Hindu lifestyle and hid the shocking cruelties and blatant discriminations that existed and are existing in organized religions.

Vatsala has now exposed the hollowness of Kerala Model Secularism and dared to declare that the “King is Nude”. Many others knew that earlier but didn’t have the guts to say it publicly. But now with the social and political conditions in India changing, things are changing in Kerala also. Pseudo-Secularism, a hypocrisy popularized in Kerala by the Left has now started to lose its popularity in Kerala now. Hindus in Kerala are now realizing the way out of the Labyrinth of Pseudo-Secularism to which they were thrown in. Pseudo-seculars are really panicked as their labyrinth has started crumbling. Their reaction to this is on expected lines;SECULARISM IS IN DANGER, COMMUNALISM IS ON THE RISE, they are wailing. However, the common man in Kerala is not losing their sleep over the secular moaning and is not impressed by the verbal jugglery of pseudo-secularists.

Now why all on a sudden secularism became a not so admired word in Kerala and the social engineering of Muslim-Backward Unity which the pseudo-secular mafia was trying to implement is at a standstill. The political, social and spiritual structure which the pseudo-secular mafia was trying to build in Kerala replacing the existing system is showing signs of cracking. Why is this happening? How did the public saw the real faces of wolves who approached them wearing the veil of goats?

The answer is simple. You cannot fool everyone forever. If secularism means everyone renouncing their special rights based on religion and deciding to become humans, it is really great. But if a group of people interpret secularism in a selective way and implement it to establish their supremacy then, on the day the exploited group realizes the ploy, they will retaliate. Moreover in Kerala, extremist groups infiltrated secular platforms and secured supremacy turning Hindus away from it.

 Let us analyse the situation to understand the story.

Though Kerala also had the history of communal violence and mass killings like any other Indian state or country in the world (remember the communal pogrom known as Moplah Riots) there are some positive aspects also in Kerala’s social life. Here people of all religions live side by side and the Ghetto culture is not widespread. All Keralites speak Malayalam. (Unlike Muslims in Tamil Nadu, Andhra and Karnataka who speak Urdu and local language, Kerala Muslims speak only Malayalam). The food habits and costumes of all Keralites are almost similar. Puradh system became common in Kerala only by 90s.

But despite all these there positive aspects, tension has been brewing in the social set up and communalism has also grown in a covert way. While Kerala was polarized on political lines from 1960s to 1980s, by 1990s Kerala society started getting polarized based on religion. What were there reasons?

They are; 1. Information revolution gave the public access to facts 2. Growth of political and economic power of Minorities leading to growing disparity among Hindus and Christians and Muslims, 3.Rise of Terrorism and Backlash against appeasement of minorities from Hindus. Rise of terrorism means in Kerala infiltration of secular parties and non governmental organisations by extremists and taking control. Though the Hindus have not realized the depth of the plan, the vitriolic attack in the name of secularism has created an aversion to Secularism among them

Information revolution

Once, information was the monopoly of pseudo-secular groups in Kerala. There were two systems only; one lead by communists and other by Congress and allies. Communists denigrated Hindu culture while preaching secularism and always turned a blind eye to the glaring inequalities and contradictions among minority religions, Congress and allied groups did not denigrate Hindusim initially, but they toed a soft pro-minority line accepting the supremacy of minority leaders and sidelining Hindu culture slowly. Media also toed an anti Hindu culture line in social issues and thus the available information was selective and against Hindu culture.

With the communication and information revolution, the glaring inequalities in other cultures also came into light. Though media continues to be controlled by minority groups in the fight to gain Supremacy they are also exposing each other thus letting Hindus know the huge injustices in their culture also. The young generation who uses net now knows very well the discrimination based on birth that denies rights to blacks and native Americans and Black Muslims and tribal Muslims of Arabia. The atrocities of Islamic State and other terror groups can’t be hidden anymore. Everyone now knows the mass killings by Communists in the name of secularism. Hindus have thus realized that compared to the inequalities in other cultures Hindu culture is far more egalitarian and democratic.

Growth of Political and Economic Power of minorities in Kerala

Organised religions of Christianity and Islam had been co-existing in Kerala during the past centuries.  However , Hindus had the upper hand in society. But this has changed over the last few years.

As Christianity and Islam are transnational religions, they have got international economic and political connections. This has given them more money and power in the form of foreign aid and as the world is becoming a global village. Flow of unlimited funds from Europe and the Western countries to Kerala through church sponsored institutions has opened unlimited opportunities to Christian community in Kerala. Foreign funds helped the church and NGOs to open different institutions and thus they increased their reach and influence.

In the meanwhile the rise of the Middle East has improved the economic status of Muslim community and their organisations in Kerala. While from 1960s to 1980s Christians were the richest community in Kerala, now Muslims have replaced them as the richest. The Muslim population in Kerala has also risen to over 26 per cent of the total population. The increase in population in Muslim dominated Malappuram district has resulted in more MLAs for Muslim League and they have more (five) ministers in state cabinet which contributes almost 20 per cent for Muslim League only. Kerala Muslims are highly educated and in competitive examinations and entrance tests to medical and engineering courses they win top ranks also.

Muslims are undoubtedly the richest group and are educationally and socially forward in Kerala. They are addressed as Sahib, Muthalali (means owner of wealth) or Kakka (the elder) etc in Kerala. Majority of land is owned by them and they are the highest foreign exchange earners from Kerala. They have never been discriminated against socially. But all governments give them reservation in jobs, in educational institutions, financial aid to widows, low interest loans, pensions to teachers of their religious schools etc, many of which are not available to even scheduled castes. But look at the plight of Nairs who get a pittance from the government and still supposed to bear the secular burden.

Anybody who questions the social inequalities in Kerala gets branded as anti-secular and RSS follower. Pseudo-secular groups, especially the Leftists used to divert attention of lower caste Hindus by highlighting the so called discriminations practiced in the past against them by the upper caste. But at present, the youth among backward and scheduled castes in Kerala are mostly concerned about present day discriminations rather than discriminations in the past which are misinterpreted to suit the interests of some groups now. The result is they are no more enthused in the pseudo-secular narratives.

Rise of Terrorism in Kerala

Rise of terrorism in Kerala is another reason why Hindus have lost affinity for Secularism. Terrorist organisations  in Kerala recruit from fundamentalist groups. Fundamentalist groups gained prominence in Kerala in 90s when the Left established links with them to gain their votes. (Eg. Are Jamaat, PDP lead by Mahdhani, Moreover, The rise of fundamentalist groups in Kerala was indirectly helped by the ideological campaign of the Left against Hindu culture. Since none, including the Left never attacked flaws in the ideology of Muslim fundamentalist groups, they could convince the society easily as a best ideology. This created a situation in Kerala conducive for their growth. The left parties and Congress compete with each other to bail out workers of fundamentalist groups even if they are caught by law enforcement agencies.

Terror groups in Kerala float frontal organisations and acquire huge assets. They operate hawala rackets and drugs and gold smuggling. They engage in Love Jihad and kill at will. Extremist groups have infiltrated Congress and CPM in Kerala and changed the meaning of Secularism practised by these parties. They make highly aggressive attacks on Hindu belief system. They interpret every Hindu custom as against secularism. They pressurise political and cultural organisations to portray all that is linked to Hindu culture as related to RSS and BJP. Even terrorists and Pakistan are praised by the secularists. Naturally Hindus of all castes have found this too much. This extremist variety of Secularism is in fact the root cause that destroyed secularism in Kerala.

It is difficult to write everything because of lack of space. Are these not enough reasons for the common man to move away from pseudo-secularism? The real need in Kerala now is equal justice for all followers of all Dharmas. A Muslim country like the UAE recently passed anti-discriminatory laws. There needs to arise in Kerala a situation when everyone irrespective of their religion has equal access to all rights and covert operations of pseudo-secular groups should end. Then Kerala will become the real land of Mahabali where there is justice for all and discrimination against none.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Rebellion in NSS against Sukumaran Nair's leadership

NSS general secretary G Sukumaran Nair seems to be in a predicament after his outburst against noted film actor Suresh Gopi. Several Karayogams which are the basic units of NSS have passed resolutions against him. Many have demanded that he step down immediately for his continuous immature behavior.

In a development which is humiliating for Mr. Nair, the Karayogam of NSS President P N Narendranathan Nair is (his home unit) reported to have passed a resolution attacking Sukumaran Nair. Even the women’s wing of NSS has passed resolutions demanding his stepping down.

While dissent against Sukumaran Nair is in the open, none is coming out to openly support him. The voice of his supporters is feeble. While they try to defend Mr. Nair, they are keen not to antagonize his detractors too. Many observe that Sukumaran Nair’s advisors are misleading him. Some others say he has already lost ability to take independent decisions and so is depending on a coterie.

While as per the complex structure of NSS, it is almost impossible to oust general secretaries, it is also impossible to oust office bearers of those Karayogams which have passed resolutions against General Secretary. It means in reality, while Sukumaran Nair will continue to hold office open dissent against him in NSS will also increase.

A general secretary without any influence in grass root units will soon become a lion without nails and teeth. He may still frighten a few with his roars but people will lose respect of him soon. That also means once political party leaders and leaders of Church (Nair has more admirers in the Churches than in NSS) will soon realize that he is powerless and will shun his company. Eventually Mr. Nair may cut a sorry figure.

Moreover a complex political and social situation arising in Kerala with BJP also becoming a strong force Mr Nair’s Correct Distance Within Equal Distance policy(Sama Doorthinullile Shari Dooram) (Read as supporting a handful of Congress and Kerala Congress leaders  who are loyal to him personally while fighting other Congress leaders and all other parties) will not be relevant anymore. So it is tough time ahead for Mr Sukumaran Nair. It seems he is in a complex situation.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Saving Nairs and NSS from the Secular Trap, reminding G Sukumaran Nair of the dangers ahead

Like his predecessor P K Narayana Panicker, Nair Service Society General Secretary G Sukumaran Nair also seems to have fallen into the trap carefully camouflaged as secular and set with love at the NSS headquarters in Perunna in Kerala by Imperialist minority leaders in Kerala. These leaders are a part of Global groups with their network and interests spreading over continents and possessing billions of Dollars and Riyals and along with fire power.

Sukumaran Nair began with a bang when he took charge by mounting a direct attack on Congress leaders who use NSS for promoting their personal interests and exposing the strategy of minority groups who used to hoodwink NSS by praising NSS general secretaries personally to ensure that NSS doesn’t oppose when government grants all benefits for minorities.

But by blindly supporting the same group of corrupt and communal political and minority leaders in return for nothing Nair’s rebellion against Minority domination in Kerala has ended as a storm in a teacup. Now NSS general secretary is trying to prove his secular credentials by unleashing attack on BJP and Hindu organisations which has pleased fundamentalist and communal groups. Further as per newspaper reports during by elections to Aruvikkara assembly constituency in Kerala Mr Nair has commented that none should try to portray that NSS is supporting BJP.

A Question to Nairs

Based on Sukumaran Nair’s observations on BJP, Nair community needs to ask themselves “Is it such a bad thing for Nairs to align with BJP, RSS and other Hindutva groups?” Let us check if Hindu groups have done any harm to Nairs in the past and do Nairs need to join the current Hindu upsurge in Kerala which is now being powered by SNDP Yogam, Kerala Pulayar Mahasabha etc?

Let us check the attack against Nairs in the past and find who were behind it.

First Attack against Hindu social structure in Malabar

The first attack against Hindu social structure in Kerala was the organized attacks against Hindus in Malabar (North Kerala) which began mainly with the attack on North Kerala by Hyder Ali and his notorious son Tipu Sultan. Namboothirirs and Nairs had to bear the brunt of the ire of attacks on Hindu social structure in Malabar which was spearheaded by Tipu Sultan and aimed at replacing the social structure of Kerala with an Islamic system. This was aided by local Muslim elite as per historic records. It was this organized effort that later lead to isolated attacks against Hindu landlords in the latter half of 19 th century, which ended as the notorious Pogrom Moplah Rebellion on 1921. The public knows only the Pogrom of 1921 which is now known as Moplah Rebellion and not the series of smaller attacks that preceded it.

The attacks of 1921 were ruthless in execution and massive in its impact. It altered the demography of Northern Kerala. Nairs had to flee several northern Kerala districts. It also altered the social structure of Northern Kerala permanently. Many Nair families were turned internal migrants. Thousands were killed; women were raped, many were converted to alien cultures,

The aftermath of Malabar Pogrom is the most shocking. The attackers are now called freedom fighters. Decedents of victims don’t have the right to even protest. The victims are now further humiliated by terming them as feudalists who harassed the poor and in turn got killed in an uprising. Intelligent Nairs need to remind themselves that though the really poor groups in Kerala were scheduled castes and tribes and they never devised a rebellion. They never took part in Moplah Rebellion. So Moplah Rebellion was not an uprising of the poor. It was an organized pogrom by minority groups to alter the social structure of Kerala.

Glorifying violence through pseudo-secular narratives

The Communists and self proclaimed progressive groups in Kerala whitewashed Moplah Rebellion of 1921 as an agrarian revolt thinking that if the then social structure was altered Communists could use the opportunity to establish their install their own structure and gain hegemony among Hindus and Minorities. However they could only conquer the loyalty of Hindus by threatening them. Minorities strengthened Muslim League and forced Communists to accept them as Secular party.

The strengthening of Muslim League in Malabar altered the social setup there. Simultaneously there was another development; Migration of Christians from Kottayam, Idukki etc to Malabar who established their fiefdoms in Kannur and Kasaragod. This Colonisation also had social and political connotations and was done with the active support of the Church. However Communists and Progressive narrated this as golden episode in Human Hard Work. Here also they thought the migrants will join Communists. However they formed their own Kerala Congress and some supported Congress. But their colonization was given respectability by the narrative of Communists and other pseudo-progressive groups. Final result is Nairs lost out completely in Malabar and in the modern pseudo-secular narratives, communal riots in Malabar became agrarian revolts and encroachments of forests and exploitation of tribal groups became experiments in ‘civilizing illiterates.’

Cobbling Minority-Backward-Dalit Grand alliance

Attempts of imperialist minority groups to divide Hindus and gain supremacy in Kerala reached new dimensions after independence in the form of organizing Minority-Backward alliance. It gained momentum in Kerala in 1970s and 80s when SNDP Yogam was influenced completely by Muslim social organisations for Muslim-Backward-Dalit alliance. By placing SNDP on the forefront, these groups for the first time unleashed attacks on Hindu social set ups in South, Central and North Kerala. Meetings organized by them throughout Kerala spewed communal venom against upper castes. Upper castes were portrayed as villains and Kerala’s history was misinterpreted to suit their aims. Pseudo-Secular groups supported those imperialist minority leaders.

Isolation of NSS

NSS was isolated during the period.  Every group except Nairs got reservations. Thousands of crores of rupees were granted to those groups. In Politics, Muslim League became an indomitable group. Minority groups gained whatever they needed in by putting Hindu backward groups in the front and dumping them after use. But this did not last long.

As SNDP Yogam general secretary Vellappally Natesan realized the machinations of minority groups he broke away from the coalition. Dalit groups also realized the danger and distanced themselves from minority groups. The Grand alliance has irreparably broken now. Minority groups are now afraid to approach them for exploitation.

The growth of RSS and BJP has now changed the situation in Kerala. None dares to escape by criticizing the culture of majority community in Kerala. Efforts to ensure real social equilibrium in Kerala have gained momentum.

Now the only hope for vested interest groups is Nair Service Society. They have succeeded in breaking repeated attempts in Kerala to form Hindu unity by influencing NSS. They are misguiding NSS leadership. Does NSS needs to support them. Are they the real supporters of what NSS stands for? Sukumaran Nair does not have many chances. Nair needs to escape from the Secular Trap. If he fails to realize realities and real enemies he will be dumped into the garbage of history by the community. Nairs don’t want to gain hegemony but we won’t allow anyone to gain Suzerainty over us. Remember that we are a group that defeated Tipu at Aluva and stopped his advances to Travancore. We want to live in dignity along with all other groups in a pluralistic society where there is no discrimination against anyone on the basis of caste, religion or colour. For that let us join other Hindus in the current resurgence.



Saturday, June 27, 2015

Suresh Gopi’s visit to NSS headquarters and the subsequent controversy

The visit of film star Suresh Gopi to the headquarters of Nair Service Society (NSS) on June 27 (the day of Aruvikkara by-election) has resulted in a big controversy with NSS general secretary Sukumaran Nair ousting him from the headquarters and alleging that by his visit Suresh Gopi was trying to portray NSS as close to BJP and it will not be allowed. Suresh Gopi has campaigned for the BJP candidate in Aruvikkara.

Though it is within the right of Sukumaran Nair to refuse entry to a guest, by his vitriolic attack at a guest he has actually dishonored the tradition of Nairs who treat guests with honor and he needs to apologize to whole community. Also while Sukumaran Nair has every right to be apolitical, he should show the same equidistance to tainted leaders from minority communities in whose company he is seen relaxing often.

To Nairs, it seems that NSS general secretary Sukumaran Nair who had wholeheartedly welcomed leaders like P.J Kurien and Ommen Chandy and KM Mani against whom several serious allegations exist allowed himself to become a tool in the hands of certain vested interest groups who wanted to play politics at his cost and belittle an artiste from Nair community. In fact it is not Suresh Gopi but Sukumaran Nair himself is seen trying to promote politics at the cost of Nairs Only difference is Sukumaran Nair tries to protect minority leaders and parties like Kerala Congress to which they belong.

Background of controversy

On June 27 morning Suresh Gopi reached NSS headquarters at Perunna in Changanasseri. Himself a Nair he wanted to pay floral tributes at the Samadhi (the place where the body of NSS founder late Mannath Padmanabhan was laid to rest.) It was closed but someone opened it for Suresh Gopi and he paid his tributes there. Suresh Gopi came there after visiting a temple near NSS headquarters on the occasion of his birthday.

 Later Suresh Gopi wanted to wish G Sukumaran Nair and since Sukumaran Nair was at a meeting at NSS budget hall Suresh Gopi entered the hall. Sukumaran Nair rudely asked #SureshGopi to leave the hall where NSS budget meeting was being held. The media lost no opportunity to create a controversy out of this act with some ulterior motives.

Media’s role in the controversy

Generally the media in Kerala is supportive of Congress and a few of them of CPM. It seems that those who wanted to create a controversy about an act of Suresh Gopi (probably out of ignorance or was mislead as he himself said) wanted to portray the actor as a person who offended the leader of Kerala’s Nair community. The motive behind creating this controversy is scuttling the chances of BJP candidate O.Rajagopal at Aruvikkara by-election which is being held on the same day(June 27). Arvikkara has a major presence of Nair community with around 36 percent of voters belonging to the community.

Regarding the incident Sukumaran Nair’s explanation is that none except members of NSS high power committee (Pratinidhisabha) are allowed inside the budget hall during its meet and so he asked Suresh Gopi to leave the place. Had he simply done that it would have been ok. But Nair did not stop with that. In his customary style he said he will not allow anyone to ‘Shine at the cost of NSS’. He further criticized that Suresh Gopi was trying to portray that NSS is with BJP.

But Suresh Gopi clarified that he entered the hall as someone who he believes from the NSS high power committee asked him to wish G Sukumaran Nair after paying tribute at the Mannam Samadhi. (Earlier, the act of KPCC president V M Sudheeran who paid tributes at Mannam Samadhi but did not wish Sukumaran Nair had resulted in a controversy as Sukumaran Nair interpreted it as a show of disrespect to NSS)

Suresh Gopi said as he did not want to be portrayed as showing disrespect to Sukumaran Nair he went to the meeting hall. It was break time at the hall and so he entered inside. He added that he left when he was asked to leave and he has no complaint about it.

Suresh Gopi’s response to this incident seems to be very civilized unlike Sukumaran Nair’s which reflects his arrogance.

Perhaps Sukumaran Nair was right in asking Suresh Gopi to leave. But then being a guest as per the traditions of Nair community Sukumara Nair should have treated him with dignity.  In traditional Nair homes a guest will be given a seat, refreshments before any discussions and disagreements are expressed in a civilized way. Blinded by his allegiance to Oommen Chandy and KM Mani Sukumaran Nair seems to have forgot all these.

Nair’s arguments that the meeting was an in camera one and so Suresh Gopi was denied admission do not hold ground. Why was there no security at the entry gates if it was an in camera meet. Why did he kept the doors open? Suresh Gopi is a well known person and how he managed to reach up to Nair within the hall? Why none prevented when he entered?

Sukumaran Nair is playing politics and he will reap storms. Nairs are no more with Congress and Sukumaran Nair. Sukumaran Nair should realise it. If he fails he may become a non entity witin a couple of years.


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Where is Nair Service Society heading towards?

Nair Service Society or NSS founded by Mannath Padmanabhan and other visionaries from Nair community had done an yeoman service in not only uniting and lifting the community from the adverse impact of social changes in Kerala but also helping Kerala society as a whole progress. But when one sees the latest stand and responses of present NSS general secretary G Sukumaran Nair, one wonders what is his real focus?

Is he interested in uplifting Nair Community or is his agenda limited to uplifting and saving his friends like K.M. Mani, Kerala's finance minister who is now under a cloud of bribery allegations, P J Kurien MP who allegedly molested a girl, and his friends in Congress who want to ensure their positions at the cost of organisation of Nairs?

These doubts comes to mind as the only activities of NSS general secretary reported by Media in 2015 have been his acts to protect all those friends who face allegations rather than doing anything for the community. Sukumaran Nair did not have many admirers among Nair in Kerala but when he came to power, this blog hoped that he would be better than his predecessor P.K Narayana Panicker who was known for inaction and his constant support to leaders from minority communities in Kerala. But at the present rate Mr. Nair is all likely to overtake his predecessor.

Though there had been efforts to unite the Hindus of Kerala by uniting Nairs and Ezhavas, Mr. Sukumaran Nair called off such efforts reportedly under the influence of Christian Leaders of Congress and Kerala Congress who fear that Hindu unity in Kerala will affect their political prospects. If a strong Hindu unity is achieved in Kerala parties like Kerala Congress controlled by different Churches will find it almost impossible to win elections as the demography is such.

At present when Kerala finance minister K M Mani is facing trouble following allegations that he has accepted huge bribes from bar hotels, Sukumaran Nair's statement that he does not need to resign has not only made him a sorry figure in the eyes of public but also lowered the status of NSS.

It is sad that the general secretary's thoughtless statements came after NSS completed its centenary celebrations recently. One hoped that NSS would launch several programmes on the occasion to help Nairs throughout India and spread its wings to other states where Nairs reside. Moreover, NSS should have used the occasion to bring Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the valedictory meet and gain something for Nairs from the BJP government at the centre.

But Sukumaran Nair let down such expectations and the usual crowd of Chandy, Mani, Outha, Philippose, Joseph......congregation ruled the roost. It seems NSS leadership continues to suffer from "FROG IN THE WELL' syndrome. They don't know what the community needs. They don't have a blueprint for developing Nairs or uniting them. Some Old Men in Changanassery want to cling to their positions till their death and gain things for their family using NSS. Will there ever be a Nair Spring to save NSS from those haggards?


Is The CPM Trying To Experiment Identity Politics In Kerala For Survival...

Recently TheKerala Kaumudi newspaper published a report saying 9 CPM district secretaries are OBC, 3 Muslim and 2 Christian. CPM has not di...