Saturday, March 14, 2015

Where is Nair Service Society heading towards?

Nair Service Society or NSS founded by Mannath Padmanabhan and other visionaries from Nair community had done an yeoman service in not only uniting and lifting the community from the adverse impact of social changes in Kerala but also helping Kerala society as a whole progress. But when one sees the latest stand and responses of present NSS general secretary G Sukumaran Nair, one wonders what is his real focus?

Is he interested in uplifting Nair Community or is his agenda limited to uplifting and saving his friends like K.M. Mani, Kerala's finance minister who is now under a cloud of bribery allegations, P J Kurien MP who allegedly molested a girl, and his friends in Congress who want to ensure their positions at the cost of organisation of Nairs?

These doubts comes to mind as the only activities of NSS general secretary reported by Media in 2015 have been his acts to protect all those friends who face allegations rather than doing anything for the community. Sukumaran Nair did not have many admirers among Nair in Kerala but when he came to power, this blog hoped that he would be better than his predecessor P.K Narayana Panicker who was known for inaction and his constant support to leaders from minority communities in Kerala. But at the present rate Mr. Nair is all likely to overtake his predecessor.

Though there had been efforts to unite the Hindus of Kerala by uniting Nairs and Ezhavas, Mr. Sukumaran Nair called off such efforts reportedly under the influence of Christian Leaders of Congress and Kerala Congress who fear that Hindu unity in Kerala will affect their political prospects. If a strong Hindu unity is achieved in Kerala parties like Kerala Congress controlled by different Churches will find it almost impossible to win elections as the demography is such.

At present when Kerala finance minister K M Mani is facing trouble following allegations that he has accepted huge bribes from bar hotels, Sukumaran Nair's statement that he does not need to resign has not only made him a sorry figure in the eyes of public but also lowered the status of NSS.

It is sad that the general secretary's thoughtless statements came after NSS completed its centenary celebrations recently. One hoped that NSS would launch several programmes on the occasion to help Nairs throughout India and spread its wings to other states where Nairs reside. Moreover, NSS should have used the occasion to bring Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the valedictory meet and gain something for Nairs from the BJP government at the centre.

But Sukumaran Nair let down such expectations and the usual crowd of Chandy, Mani, Outha, Philippose, Joseph......congregation ruled the roost. It seems NSS leadership continues to suffer from "FROG IN THE WELL' syndrome. They don't know what the community needs. They don't have a blueprint for developing Nairs or uniting them. Some Old Men in Changanassery want to cling to their positions till their death and gain things for their family using NSS. Will there ever be a Nair Spring to save NSS from those haggards?



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