Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Nair priests to replace Brahmin priests at temples of Nair Service Society

One of the most interesting announcements made by Nair Service Society General Secretary G Sukumaran Nair at the 136th Mannam Jayanthi celebration concluded at NSS headquarters Changanasseri on Jan 3, 2013 was decision of the organization to promote Nairs as priests instead of Brahmin Priests at temples owned by NSS.
Addressing a mamoth gathering of Nairs at Nair Delegates’ Meet on the first day of the two-day celebration, Sukumaran Nair emphasised the need to promote learned Nairs as priests
The aim is to identify members of the community who possess ‘brahmanyam, Nair said and pointed out that exploitation exists in spiritual arena even now.
Leading English newspapers which quoted Nair said Nair pointed out that Sections of Brahmins who used to take advantage of the Nair community at various power centres are continuing the practice in spiritual arena and to stop this, those Nairs with tantric knowledge have to be made priests. NSS will start more Tantrik vidyapeets he asserted.
When the NSS started its first Thanthra Vidya Peethom, there was opposition from certain sections. However challenges were overcome and the first batch of candidates have passed out and are receiving wholehearted acceptance from Nair community, Sukumaran Nair said. However Nair clarified that his criticism is not against all Brahmins but only against those who claim to be Brahmin and lack knowledge of Vedas and other Hindu scriptures and pooja practices.
Sukumaran Nair’s announcement is timely and it is high time that Nairs appointed learned Hindus as priests in temples owned by them rather than looking for those who bear  Brahmin caste names. As Rigveda said “Janmana Jayathe Sudra, Karmanya Diwija Uchyathe,’. This can be roughly translated as everyone is born Sudra but attains Brahminhood by studies and culture.
One cannot forget the acts of former Sabarimala Tantri Kantaru Mohanaru who was banned from performing duties at Sabarimala following findings of Travancore Devaswom Board that he engaged in acts not expected from him. Once a learned three member inquiry commission which investigated into irregularities in Devaswom Board interviewed Mohanaru. Many newspapers had reported the answers given byMohanaru to commission. Mohanaru admitted before the commission that  he does not know Sanskrit, Veda mantras. He was unable   to tell the commission the birth star of Lord Ganapathi or recite  Bhagyasooktham even though he claimed he conducted Ganapathi Homam.  When this was the plight of a Sabarimala Tantri who claimed traditional right to the post, it is better Learned Nairs conducted pooja themselves.


  1. Stupid decision to promote nair community in thanthra/puja

  2. Stupid decision to promote other communities in puja profession.being born uban orthodox Brahmin family myself difficult to digest such.


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