Friday, January 4, 2013

Uproar in Kerala politics on Sukumaran Nair’s statement that Antony’s suggestion to make Chennithala home minister subverted

Nair Service Society general secretary G Sukumaran Nair’s statement that Congress leader and Indian Defense Minister A K Antony’s suggestion to make Ramesh Chennithala home minister of Kerala had been subverted,’ has created uproar in Kerala politics.
Nair made the statement in an interview given to Malayala Manorama news channel on January 4, 2013. Kerala home minister Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan in a reply  to Nair said he did not know that Antony had given such a suggestion. Thiruvanchoor added that after becoming the home minister he had tried to contact Sukumaran Nair but could not.
Oommen Chandy had earlier divested the home portfolio which he held initially and handed it over to Thiruvanchoor known as his confidante. This followed allegations that majority Hindus in Kerala are not adequately represented in Kerala cabinet. In this context Thiruvanchoor was given home portfolio. Incidentally both Thiruvanchoor and Chennithala belong to Nair community. Sukumaran Nair had protested against the decision at that time itself.
There had been suggestions at that time that Chennithala who is KPCC president should be made deputy chief minister with home portfolio. Sukumaran Nair said Oommen Chandy gave home to Thiruvanchoor to sideline Chennithala.
Nair’s statement is likely to create further headache to Kerala chief minister Oommen Chandy who is facing the allegation of yielding to pressure of Muslim League and Christian dominated Kerala Congress while selecting ministers. Muslim League had been give a fifth minister in the cabinet recently following their persistent demand. All key portfolios like finance, industries, PWD etc are now being handled by Muslim League and Kerala Congress.
Hindu organizations in Kerala like Nair Service Society and SNDP Yogam are now raising the complaint that Hindus in Kerala are getting a raw deal. Majority of MLAs of ruling United Democratic Front are non Hindus.

Following Sukumaran Nair’s statement many congress leaders in Kerala have issued. MM Hassan said it was for Antony to verify Sukumaran Nair’s statement.

Nair’s statement points to a few things. Nair community in Kerala is now having a complaint that it is being sidelined by Congress. Nairs have the feeling that minorities now dominate Congress in Kerala. Nairs used to vote for Congress en block earlier. Now it seems some of them are going to BJP and even CPM which once Nairs opposed.
In the coming days strife between Nairs and Ezhavas on one side and Muslim League and Kerala Congress on the other side would happen in the ruling Congress lead United Democratic front. Kerala. Kerala’s political equilibrium would change drastically.
One should read all this with A.K Antony’s statement at Mannam Janayanthi celebrations. He said that Kerala’s communal harmony has lost its warmth.

1 comment:

  1. Ramesh Chennithala has proven his organizational skills many times over right from the student union days to youth congress to the oldy congress, equally well. His organizational skills was one of the single most reasons why congress in kerala still remains strong. He must be given better responsibilities now, to not only get his services to the development of the state but also to give others in KPCC leadership to develop and come up. He can even be considered for a cabinet post at the centre or charge of some of the national electioneering work. Side-lining him is NOT good for congress in Kerala or at the national level.


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