Wednesday, December 18, 2024

ഹിന്ദു ഐക്യം തകർക്കാനാകില്ല ! | MEDIA MALAYALAM | MM TALKS | A HARIK...

 വൈക്കം സത്യാഗ്രഹം: ഡിഎംകെയ്ക്ക് എന്ത് പങ്ക് ?

വൈക്കം സത്യഗ്രഹത്തില്‍ ദ്രാവിഡ പാര്‍ട്ടികള്‍ക്ക് പങ്കൊന്നുമില്ലായിരുന്നു. എന്‍എസ്സ്എസ്സ്, എസ്എന്‍ഡിപി തുടങ്ങിയ സംഘടനകളും, സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യ സമരകാലത്തെ കോണ്‍ഗ്രസുമാണ് സത്യാഗ്രഹം നടത്തിയത്. രാമസ്വാമി നായ്ക്കര്‍ അതില്‍ മറ്റനേകം പേരെപ്പോലെ പങ്കെടുത്തിട്ടുണ്ട്. അത്രമാത്രം. സി. രാജഗോപാലാചിരിയും പങ്കെടുത്തിരുന്നു പക്ഷേ ആ പേര് സ്റ്റാലിന്‍ മിണ്ടുന്നില്ല. തമിഴിനാട് മുഖ്യമന്ത്രി സ്റ്റാലിനും, കേരള മുഖ്യന്‍ പിണറായിയും ചേര്‍ന്ന്  വൈക്കം സമരം തങ്ങളുടേതാക്കി മാറ്റിയിരിക്കുന്നു. എന്താണ് വൈക്കം സത്യഗ്രഹത്തിന്റെ യഥാര്‍ത്ഥ ചരിത്രം? എന്റെ ഇന്റര്‍വ്യൂ

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Job Reservation For Minorities: Is It Appeasement Or Necessity? #muslim,...

The Supreme Court Of India's observation that job quota based on religion is invalid has fueled a debate. Are Muslims who were the ruling class in India in the past eligible for reservation? While Muslims say their religion is egalitarian, can they claim that some of their people are discriminated against by others? Has Reservation which was initially limited for SC and STs and that too for 10 years now become an appeasement tool?

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Christian Dominated Kerala Congress In Crisis. What's The Future Of This...

Sixty years after it was formed, The Kerala Congress, a state political party in Kerala is in decadence. The party was formed with the blessings of Churches, esp. catholic church. Is the change in Kerala demographics the reason for fall in influence? Has the failure of the Kerala Congress to strike an alliance with BJP cost the party dear?

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

CPM Report Concedes Fall In Vote Share In Kerala But BJP's Votes Rise. W...

A Report presented before CPM central committee recently has pointed out a steep fall in CPM vote share in Kerala and rise in BJP's vote share in the state. The report also pointed out the need for opposing minority communalism. Why CPM developed such a realization all on a sudden after concluding that majority communalism is dangerous while minority commmunalism is not, decades ago? Will the new realisation help CPM regain lost ground?

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Palakkad Bypoll: Will BJP Or Congress Win? What Is LDF's Chance? #palak...

BJP's C. Krishna Kumar and Rahul Mankottathil of the UDF are the main candidates at Palakkad bypoll which will be held on November 13. Going by the votes bagged by BJP, LDF and the UDF in the last few assembly polls and Lok Sabha Polls, Dr Sareen of LDF doesn't have any chance to become the winner. What are the undercurrents? Will Shafi Parmbil, the former MLA give wholehearted support to Rahul? Will Krishna Kumar get the support of RSS? Listen to the video


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Was The Conversion Of Kamala Das (Madhavikkutty) To Islam By Deceit As S...

LDF MLA KT Jaleel said in Kerala assembly recently that the religious conversion of Poet Kamala Das to Islam was by deceit. He blamed Muslim League MP Abdul Samad Samadhani for that. Is it so? Mr. Jaleel also said Samadhani was leader of SIMI in the past. Jaleel's words have actually brought the issue back to public attention. Why is Samadhani silent? What is the truth?

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Haryana and J&K Results: BJP's Social Engineering Beats Congress' Caste ...

The results of the assembly polls in the Indian states of Haryana and Jammu and Kashmir have proved that BJP's social engineering strategy has checkmated the Caste Rhetoric of the Congress and its demand for caste census. The transparency of governance achieved by the BJP in Haryana which was once notorious for corruption and horse trading has also helped the BJP. BJP seems to be becoming strong enough and has been able to stand on its own feet and come out of the shadow of PM Narendra Modi.

BJP win in Haryana and their credible performance in Jammu and Kashmir are going to be morale boosters for the party.. Congress will feel the impact of Haryana loss for long. In Kashmir the Congress was outsmarted by coalition partner National Conference. What is the meaning of these poll results? How will it impact prospects of the BJP and the Congress in the coming days?

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

പിണറായി-അന്‍വര്‍ പോരാട്ടം: അന്തിമ വിജയം ആര്‍ക്ക്? Pinarayi Vs Anwar : Wh...

പിണറായി വിജയനു നേരെ അതീവ ഗുരുതരമായ ആരോപണങ്ങളാണ് ഇടത് സഹയാത്രികനായിരുന്ന പി വി അന്‍വര്‍ MLA ഉന്നയിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നത്. ഇതിന് മേല്‍ അന്വേഷണം ഉണ്ടാകുമോ? യഥാര്‍ത്ഥത്തില്‍ പോലീസ് സംവിധാനത്തെ മുഴുവനും കുറ്റക്യത്യങ്ങളില്‍ ഭാഗഭാക്കാക്കി എന്ന ആരോപണമാണ് അന്‍വര്‍ ഉന്നയിച്ചത്. ഇന്ത്യയില്‍ ഏറ്റവും ഗുരുതരമായ അഴിമതി ആരോപണം നേരിട്ട ലാലു യാദവിനു നേരെ പോലും മൊത്തം സര്‍ക്കാര്‍ സംവിധാനത്തെ അധോലോകമാക്കി എന്ന ആരോപണം ഉണ്ടായിട്ടില്ല. ഇതൊക്കെ ഗൗരവമായെടുത്ത് അന്വേഷിിക്കുമോ? എന്തായിരിക്കും അന്‍വറിന്റെ ആരോപണങ്ങളുടെ രാഷ്ടീയ പ്രത്യാഘാതം? പിണറായി രൂപപ്പെടുത്തിയ ഇടത്-ഇസ്ലാമിസ്റ്റ് സഖ്യത്തിന്റെ ഭാവി എന്താകും?


Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Turbulent Life Of Swami Premananda As Told By An Avadhootha

Swami Premananda who was born in Sri Lanka in 1951 was one of the most popular Hindu holy men there at those times. He had many Siddhis or super normal powers. He built flourishing ashrams in Sri Lanka and had disciples in Europe and South East Asia too. After the ethnic strife between Sri Lankan Tamils and Buddhists started he began to face reversals. His ashram was gutted by Sinhala Budddhists in 1983. Subsequently he took refuge in India. Here also after flourishing initially he faced a series of misfortunes. What were the reasons of his fall? A nameless Avadhootha told me about the real reasons behind the unfortunate reversals faced by Swami Premananda

Monday, September 23, 2024

Is Malappuram A Hub Of Gold Smuggling And Hawala As Pinarayi Said?

Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said the other day that of the total quantity of smuggled gold and hawala money seized by Kerala police, the major share was from Malappuram district. It means smuggling mafia and hawala lobby are firmly entrenched in the district. Had someone else said it the leftists in Kerala would have denied it and termed it as an attempt to communally divide Kerala and portray Muslims in bad light. Now since Pinarayi himself said it there is no such interpretation. 

Kerala's left groups including CPM have a love-hate relationship with radical islamists. Left become friends with them when it suits their interests. The Left would break away when they find it inconvenient. Why did Pinarayi make the statement now when it could be like admitting his own failure as CM? 

There is another issue also. Are the smuggling and hawala lobbies in Malappuram linked with terror funding? Will Pinarayi retract his statement or will he act? Listen to the video.


Sunday, September 22, 2024

കേരള സിപിഎമ്മിനെ നശിപ്പിച്ച കണ്ണൂര്‍ രാഷ്ടീയ മാത്യക

 സിപിഎമ്മിന് കേരളത്തില്‍ രണ്ട് രാഷ്ടീയ മാത്യകകളാണുള്ളത്; കണ്ണൂര്‍ രാഷ്ടീയമാത്യകയും, ആലപ്പുഴ, കൊല്ലം ജില്ലകളില്‍ രൂപപ്പെട്ട തിരുവിതാംകൂര്‍ മാത്യകയും. പുന്നപ്ര-വയലാര്‍ സമരം പോലൊന്ന് ഒരിക്കലും കണ്ണൂരിലുണ്ടിയിട്ടല്ല. സപിഎമ്മിന്റെ ഫാക്ടറിത്തൊഴിലാളി യൂണിയനും, കര്‍ഷകത്തൊഴിലാളി യൂണിയനും ആലപ്പുഴയിലാണ് രൂപം കൊണ്ടത്. കണ്ണൂര്‍ രാഷ്ടീയം, രാഷ്ടീയ പ്രതിയോഗികളെ ഉന്മൂലനം ചെയ്യുന്ന മാത്യകയാണ്. പാര്‍ട്ടി ഗ്രമം സ്യഷ്ടിച്ച് എതര്‍ ശബ്ദങ്ങളെ ഇല്ലാതാക്കുന്നതാണ് അത്. സ്വയം വിമര്‍ശനം ഇല്ലാതാക്കിയ ആ മാത്യകയാണ് സിപിഎമ്മിനെ നശിപ്പിച്ചത്.


Why Muslim Leaders of LDF like Anwar, Jaleel and Razak Revolting against...

CPM's fellow travellers PM Anwar, KT Jaleel and Karat Razak have raised the banner of revolt. They may not be members of CPM. But their criticism of LDF government at a time when CPM party polls are about to begin is not coincidence. There is a method in this. In the evolving political situation Muslims are moving away from CPM. CPM's HIndu vote bank is moving towards CPM. What are the implications of the emerging situation?

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Suresh Gopi Vs Media Stubborn Fight: Is It Media Witch Hunting Or Suresh...

 Kerala Media and BJP leader and union minister Suresh Gopi are engaged in an eternal fight. While Mr. Suresh Gopi accuses the media of harbouring a secret agenda against him, the media sees Suresh Gopi as a archetypal Sanghi with an intolerance towards free speech. Is the fight a result of lack of proper strategy of Mr. Suresh? What should he do to establish a working relation with the media?

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Guru Atmananda (Krishna Menon) and his disciple Lebanon Minister Kamal J...

The story of Guru Atmananda who popularised The Direct Path, which is an interpretation of Advaitha philosophy. Guru Atmananda had many disciples in the West Asia. Kamal Jumblat was one among them. He was one of the most powerful politicians of Lebanon and he became the disciple of Guru Atmananda by a mysterious event. Guru Atmananda was among the trio who popularised Advaitha around the world. Guru Atmananda's admirers included Aldous Huxley, Somerset Maugham and Paul Brunton

Monday, August 5, 2024

Bangladesh Coup and Implications To India Who Are Behind It US or China?...

A coup d'etat has happened in Bangladesh. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has resigned and she has fled to India. What will be the implications? Will religious fundamentalists grab power there? Who is behind this coup? Is China or the United States involved?

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Climate Change Devastates Kerala Through Landslides And Floods. How To E...

The Wayanad Landslide that devastated two villages is not a one off natural disaster in Kerala. From 2017 onward, landslides and floods are a recurring annual phenomenon in Kerala. Of the landslides that occurred in Indian between 2017 and 2002 60 percent happened in Kerala. Besides landslides, floods and cyclones also wreak havoc periodically. Does Kerala need a change in political orientation? Does the state need Green Politics?

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Challenges Before Narendra Modi 3.0 Government Will The New BJP Govt Be Able To Ride Out Them?

The new NDA government led by Narendra Modi doesn't face any immediate threat, but in the long term, it faces challenges on many fronts. They include those from within the BJP-RSS eco system and outside. In the lok sabha the government will have to face a rejuvenated Congress. On the communication and propaganda fronts Narendra Modi will have to take a new approach

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

What Are the Learnings from Suresh Gopi's Win In Thrissur? #loksabhaelec...

Suresh Gopi made history for BJP in Kerala by opening his party's account in Kerala by winning Thrissur Lok Sabha seat. Mr. Gopi won convincingly by over 74 thousand votes. He has been working in the constituency for the last five years. His win proves if a candidate works among the public and wins their trust he can win despite demography. That means Suresh Gopi has won even Christian and Muslim votes too. What are the other factors that made Suresh Gopi's victory possible? Listen #sureshgopi, #congress, #thrissur

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Narendra Modi Arrives in Kanyakumari for Meditation at Vivekananda Rock....

Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived at Vivekananda Rock Memorial, Kanyakumari today evening (May 30). He started meditating there this evening itself after paying obeisance at Kanyakumari Devi temple nearby. His meditation will continue up to June 1 evening when 18th Lok Sabha elections will conclude. 

During the last two polls, he meditated at Pratapgarh and Kedarnath, which also had cultural and religious significance. But Vivekananda Rock Kanyakumari has more nationalist significance. Does this signify more inclusiveness? Listen

Monday, May 6, 2024

Why Is Alliance With AAP Suicidal For Congress? #congress, #kejriwal, #aap

It was the India against Corruption movement and its by product Aam Admi Party (AAP) which transformed the political climate in India in 2012 that resulted in the fall of UPA 2 government at the centre. AAP also brought down Sheila Dixit state government of the Congress in Delhi. But the Congress forgot all those and supported AAP to form first government in Delhi, against their own interests. Thereafter Congress contributed to growth of AAP in many ways., despite their own leaders revolting. Arvinder Lovely, the Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee president who resigned recently is the latest casualty of the Congress. Will the Congress learn? Listen

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Should Political Dynasties Pay Inheritance Tax For Transferring Power Wi...

Sam Pitroda said about collecting inheritance tax. But why is that not applicable to political sphere. Political dynasties monopolize power and transfer it to their future generation. Should they be forced to pay a compensation to the public? Is there a need for legislation. Listen

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

What Do Low Voter Turnout And Other Trends In Kerala Lok Sabha Poll 2024 Mean?

Kerala recorded a low turnout of around 71% in the Lok Sabha poll held on April 26. Normally that indicates setback for the UDF. But will it be true this time? It seems SNDP supported BJP this time. Will it make significant changes in the political fortunes of the BJP? What was the position of Christian Churches in Kerala? Meanwhile, the most powerful Muslim organisation Samastha Kerala Jamiath ul Ulema has supported the UDF. How do the political stand of those organisations add up? Lets take a closer look. Listen

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

LDF Govt Is The Real Culprit Responsible For The Chaos At Thrissur Poora...

Thrissur pooram was disrupted and pushed into chaos this time. Kerala chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan has put the blame for disrupting Thrissur Pooram on Kerala Police. But what about the government's responsibilities? Has Pinarayi failed to control the home department which is under him? Do police officers act without government's permission?

The fact is, the Left has a tradition of intervening in temple traditions and creating chaos. They tried it in Sabarimala in 2018. They think temples are institutions that bring Hindus together and it should not be allowed to thrive. In other words, temples are places promoting Hindu identity and it shouldn't be encouraged. They fear that emergence of Hindu identity and unity are antithetical to left ideology and so they shouldn't be allowed to thrive.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

NDA's Lok Sabha Win In Kerala That BJP Forgot: Lessons Of PC Thomas' Win...

BJP led NDA had won the minority Christian dominated Lok Sabha seat of Muvattupuzha in Kerala in 2004. The Kerala BJP then had strategy and will and skill to implement it successfully then. Why did BJP forgot their own win and is still continuing to search for clues? Listen

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Is Rahul Gandhi Facing A Tough Battle In Wayanad? What Is The Message Ra...

Rahul Gandhi has returned to Wayanad in Kerala to ensure a smooth win to him. This time he has to face tougher opponents. BJP Kerala president is K Surendran is the NDA candidate. CPI national executive member Annie Raja is the LDF candidate. Will they bring Rahul's majority down? Is the message being sent out by Rahul one of weakness? Listen

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Has Shashi Tharoor Contributed For Thiruvananthapuram Development? #shas...

Has Shashi Tharoor, or Pinarayi Vijayan done anything for the development of Thiruvananthapuram? Are the developments of NH 66 airport and Vizhinjam Port initiatives of PM Narendra Modi or Tharoor? The sewage lines of Trivandrum remain clogged, education institutions have degenerated, transport systems are a chaos. Who is responsible?

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Has Congress Called Off Anti CAA Campaign In Kerala? Has Congress Approv...

Congress leader Raj Mohan Unnithan said at Kasaragod that the party doesn't want to make CAA a campaign issue unlike CPM as it would create divisions in the society. At Kollam UDF leader Shibu Baby John also opposed discussing CAA. According to him it would create divisions in society and polarize votes. It seems Congress is sensing a hindu polarisation against Anti CAA stand. Listen

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Shashi Tharoor or Rajeev Chandrasekhar: Who Will Win Thiruvananthapuram? Part II

Rajeev Chandrasekhar has caught up with Tharoor since the campaign began in Trivandrum lok sabha seat. But Tharoor continues to retain his edge in rural assembly segments. Rajeev continues to make giant strides but to upset Tharoor he has to reach out to different segments among Christians, some of which are in friction with the Church

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Fall Of CPM And Its Transformation As An Elitist Group

 From 43 MPs in Lok Sabha in 2004, CPM members in Lok Sabha has come down to just 3. Politically the party doesn't have any significance at the national level except in Kerala. But the party has influence in elite educational institutions and activist groups. CPM has now redefined itself as a leftist group which works in cahoots with Islamists.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Black Money Floods Kerala Before Lok Sabha Polls 2024. #blackmoney, #ele...

Even as Electoral Bonds controversy rage India, Black Money worth Rs 263 crore has been brought to Kerala through hawala route, reports Kerala Media. This money could be for the use in Lok Sabha Poll. Police are planning to transfer the case to central agencies. Some reports say the money might have come from abroad. This reminds us of past such incidents Listen:

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Is Rahul Gandhi's Critical Remark On Shakti A Political Message? #rahulg...

Rahul Gandhi's critical remarks on hindu God Shakti at the valedictory meeting of Bharat Jodo yatra is not a slip out or thoughtless remark. It may be the outcome of a realisation in the Congress that if Modi is to be attacked hindu symbols and lingo which Modi upholds and propagates also need to be attacked. The takeaway is clear; Congress won't hesitate to be even anti hindu, not just anti hindutva from now on, if the party thinks that would help to reap political benefits     

Saturday, March 16, 2024

How Did Modi's Friendly Relations With Media Turn Sour? #narendramodi, #...

Narendra Modi had warm relations with India's mainstream media when he was organisation secretary of the BJP in late 1990s. But it turned sour after he became the chief minister of Gujarat, esp after the Gujarat riots. Even as the Prime Minister, he keeps media at a hand's distance. What are the factors that created a rift between Narendra Modi and Media? Listen

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Kerala Financial Crisis: Reasons and Impact #kerala, #supremecourt

Supreme Court of India has intervened to bail out Kerala from the current financial crisis. What are the reasons for the perfect storm through which Kerala Economy is going through at present? Will the LDF govt correct their financial mismanagement to revive Kerala economy? Listen to the video

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Impact Of Padmaja's Exit From Congress and Joining BJP in Kerala Politics

Padmaja Venugopal who resigned from the Congress and joined the BJP may not be able to bring a large number of supporters to her new party. But she could spark debates in Kerala that could reverberate in Kerala; esp. when Muslim League is holding Congress state leadership to ransom. If she recounts how the Muslim League pulled the rug from under Karunakaran's legs it could rub salt into the wounds of Karunakaran's hindu supporters and may cause polarisation. It could also destroy morale of Congress

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Who Will Win Thiruvananthapuram Lok Sabha Seat?

Thiruvananthapuram is the only Lok Sabha constituency in Kerala where the prime contestants are the Congress and the BJP. Shashi Tharoor has won from Thiruvananthapuram thrice consecutively. The main opponent of Tharoor in the last two polls was BJP. This time also it is unlikely to change. The LDF has forced a retired politician Panniyan Ravindran to revoke his decision and contest thinking that he is a panacea for the weaknesses of LDF. But that is unlikely to work.

Meanwhile BJP has nominated Rajeev Chandrasekhar as their candidate. Rajeev's profile matches Tharoor in all aspeccts. So the competition will be tough. Rajeev has got deep pockets too. Who has the edge now? Listen to the video to know the answer. Please subscribe the video.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Mannath Padmanabhan, Reformer and Liberation Struggle Leader

Mannath Padmanabhan was the leader of Kerala reformation and not a regressive communal person as CPM try to portray. Mannam's leadership in Vimochana Samaram actually saved Kerala from CPM's iron hand. The Liberation struggle or Vimochana Samaram was a mass movement which prevented Kerala from becoming another Bengal.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Will Rahul Gandhi leave Wayanad Lok Sabha Seat?

Rumors are rife that Congress leader and scion of theNehru family, Rahul Gandhi will leave Wayanad and go for some other constituency. What is the situation in Wayanad at present? Will Rahul leaving Wayanad affect the morale of Congress in Kerala? Will Rahul continuing in Wayanad lead to losses at national level for Congress?

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Narendra Modi in Kerala

Narendra Modi was at Thiruvanantapuram today. This is the 3rd time that he visited Kerala this month. he visited ISRO and announced the names of India's astronauts who will participate in the historic Gaganyan Mission. A Malayali, Prashant Balakrishnan Nair is the leader of the four member team of astronauts. Later Mr. Modi inaugurated a BJP meeting which marked the conclusion of BJP state president K Surendran's Kerala tour. Narendra Modi's presence inspires in Kerala, but unfortunately his speeches in Kerala don't inspire unlike his poetic speeches in North India. he fails to initiate a political discourse in Kerala and make connect is speech to local issues

Sunday, February 25, 2024

How the Left ruined Kerala's education sector

Kerala Government is now trying to attract foreign universities to Kerala to improve falling standards. It's an irony that the left which organised countless protests against private investment in education sector is now going all out to invite private investors to investment sector. The students wing of CPM SFI has destroyed the government schools and colleges and shooed away private sector. Now students are migrating out of Kerala and government cannot stem the flow

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Left destroyed Kerala's paddy farms and now they oppose Bharat Rice

The Left destroyed Kerala's Paddy Cultivation

Kerala was once almost self sufficient in producing rice. But, at present, the state cannot survive even a month without importing rice from Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. The total area under paddy cultivation dwindled from over eight lakh hectares in 1970s to less than 2 lakh hectares at present. 

Farmers stopped paddy cultivation because of the anti farmer policies of CPM implemented through their workers' union the KSKTU. They demanded unreasonable wages and opposed mechanisation. Now there is severe shortage of labourers. Moreover, Kerala government has failed on the procurement front too.

Who will win Thrissur Lok Sabha Seat?

Who will win Thrissur Lok Sabha Seat? 

 The candidate line up of Thrissur Lok Sabha seat is now almost clear. Sitting MP TN Prathapan is likely to be the UDF candidate. Sures Gopi is expected to be the NDA candidate. VS Sunil Kumar ise th LDF candidate. This is a primary analysis of Thrissur. It seems a real three cornered contest is on the cards and this is one seat where the BJP has a real chance. But there are some factors that could prevent it too.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Reviewing Sabarimala Protests before 2024 Lok Sabha Poll

Revisiting Sabarimala Protest And Its Significance

As 2024 Lok Sabha polls come near, it's time to look back and review the Sabarimala Agitation and its impact on 2019 lok saba poll in Kerala. The protest holds key to understanding Kerala society and politics. No political party including the BJP has understood the relevance of Sabarimala protest

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Love Marriages Devastate Kerala Families

A couple Unnikrishna Pillai andh Bindu committed suicide recently at Pavumba in Kollam, after their daughter ran away with a youth from another caste. The next day after the mishap, a husband set on fire his wife at Cherthala. Their marriage was love marriage. Such mishaps exemplify Kerala's social crisis.  Love marriages can't be wished away in present times, but lovers should be fully aware of the tough life ahead, without help from families. Or ehlse, they will share the fate of Cherthala couple.

Unnikrishna Pillai's mishap should spark an introspection among Nairs though it's not just Nairs who are facing the crisis. All communities in Kerala are opposing love marriages, every group resists it. NSS should allow partners of Nair boys and girls from other communities to join NSS. Practicing exclusivity is not advisable. Namboothiris who practiced exclusivity have now become demographically insignificant in Kerala. Nairs should not follow it.

Is The CPM Trying To Experiment Identity Politics In Kerala For Survival...

Recently TheKerala Kaumudi newspaper published a report saying 9 CPM district secretaries are OBC, 3 Muslim and 2 Christian. CPM has not di...